Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anger Managment

Today I subbed on the morning bus run, dropping kids off at their respective schools.  For the last school, I had a set of siblings: older sister, younger brother.  Their parents are divorced and they spend alternate weeks at each parent's house.

Me: Is it hard to go between two different houses?

Sister: Yes.

Me: What makes it hard?

Brother: The different rules. I get confused and then I get in trouble.

Me: I am sorry.  Who is more strict, your mom or your step mom?

Brother: Step mom. Mom doesn't care.

Sister: Mom cares, she just gives up.

Me: You should always follow the stricter rules.  Your step mom will be happy and your mom will appreciate the extra effort.

Sister: Our mom asked Mohawk to stop and he didn't.

Brother (Mohawk): I stopped.

Sister: No you didn't.

Mohawk: Yes I did!

Sister: Nah-uh!

Mohawk says something that I can't hear.  Suddenly a backpack goes flying through the air across the aisle of the bus and hits Mohawk in the head.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Animal Control

Thursday was the last day of Intercession, or Three Weeks of Torture as I like to call it.  My nerves were rubbed down to a nub and I had almost no patience left.  If I heard "Ms. Gabi!!" one more time, I was going to scream.  Ok, by this time I might have already said very, very loudly, "Please stop saying my name!!" Most of the kids were under the influence of a movie in the other room and I was watching over three kids in the main room.  Shut-up and walk a mile in my shoes before you start criticizing, Movie time=Sanity.

Sheriff and Fairy Princess--giving them nicknames is very medicinal--were playing in the corner with the doll house and Lego Boy was playing with, surprise!, Legos at the table where I was sitting--Sheriff has Cerebral Palsy, Fairy Princess has Aspergers, and Lego Boy is Autistic....which is why they were not watching the movie...gah!  I was working on an extreme dot-to-dot, my form of meditating while at work, but also listening to the children play.

Sheriff: Look, there is a lion in the bedroom. (He puts a plastic, toy lion on the doll bed.)

Fairy Princess: No, no, Lion.  Lions are not allowed in the house.

Sheriff makes the lion jump on the bed.

Fairy Princess: No, Lion, no. You have to go outside. Lions are not allowed in the house!

Sheriff moves the lion to the kitchen.

Fairy Princess: No lions in the house! No, Lion, no! You have to go! (Her voice is getting louder and more insistent.)

Sheriff: Hey, let's pretend the lion attacks the mom.

Fairy Princess: No, Lion, you have to leave! No lions in the house!

Sheriff: So, Fairy Princess, let's pretend the lion attacks the mom.

Fairy Princess: No lions in the house!  Lion, get out!  No lions in the house!

Sheriff: Let's pretend the lion attacks the mom.


Sheriff: How about we pretend the lion attacks the mom.

Fairy Princess: (She has two dolls in her hands and turns her back to Sheriff, obviously choosing to ignore him.) Ok, little girl.  I am going to read a book to you.  It is a good book and you will like it.

Sheriff:  Ms. Gabi, why isn't Fairy Princess answering my questions?

Lego Boy: (under his breath) You should call animal control.

(Intercession is the three week "vacation" that the year-round schools have twice a year.  My program offers all day care for these kids during this time.  I typically get 8-10 kids and must find away to keep them entertained each day until the other schools let out in the afternoon.  The children that come are not the "sit-down-and-color-all-day" variety.   They have very short attention spans, are loud, and every 3 seconds are seized by the urge to run around in circles screaming at the top of their lungs.  At least that is what it feels like.)